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Mission To Vaca Muerta 2024

  • 21 Oct 2024
  • 7:00 AM
  • 25 Oct 2024
  • 9:30 PM
  • Neuquen City

*Argentina-Texas Summit Energy 2024 included

Organizers: Argentina-Texas Chamber of Commerce
Energy Workforce and Technology Council

Key supporters: US Embassy in Argentina | Argentina Embassy in USA | Government of Neuquén

On 21-25 of October this year, the Argentina-Texas Chamber, together with the Energy Workforce and Technology Council, in coordination with the Embassy of Argentina in Washington, and the Province of Neuquén; organizes an international commercial mission to Argentina, Vaca Muerta, one of the largest unconventional oil and gas fields in the world. The main goal of the mission is to establish relations and provide opportunities for technological, commercial, financial, and investment exchange between companies from various countries and Argentina.

As a part of the mission, representatives of the international energy sector will participate in the following activities:

    o Oilfield visit to key operators in Añelo City, Neuquen, The Capital of Vaca Muerta:
    ▪ See Drilling, Completion, Facilities, and Midstream operations.
    ▪ Understand technical challenges, last-mile logistics, and supply chain.
    ▪ Network with subject matter experts, and key players.
    o One-on-One meeting with key operators, and suppliers.
  • ARGENTINA-TEXAS SUMMIT - 2nd Edition “Debottlenecking Vaca Muerta to Become a Major Global Exporter - U.S.-Argentina Bilateral Partnership as a Value Driver”
    o Learn about Vaca Muerta’s challenges and opportunities.
    o Confirmed attendance of U.S. Ambassador to Argentina Mr. Marc R. Stanley and Governor
    of Neuquén Province Mr. Rolando Figuroa.
    o Network with the 200 C-Level executives of Argentina’s energy industry.
    o See summit details in the specific brochure.
    o Guided Visit to the largest O&G expo in Argentina (250 Expositors, 10,000 visitors).
    o Explore, benchmark, and develop market opportunities.

Vaca Muerta’s 2024 key statistics

$9Bn of Annual Investment | 0.6 MBOED Oil Prod. | 81 kM3D Gas Prod. | 11 Operators | 32 Rigs | 8 Frac Spreads 3x Expected Growth in the upcoming years subject to increase services and products, and midstream capacities.

Argentina-Texas Chamber of Commerce – is the primary advocate of Argentina and Texas business communities and is dedicated to building economic prosperity for both Countries. The Chamber of Commerce is a member-driven organization.

Energy Workforce & Technology Council - is the national trade association for the global energy technology and services sector, representing more than 650,000 U.S. jobs in the technology-driven energy value chain. Energy Workforce works to advance member policy priorities and empower the energy workforce of the future.

Check out the Mission to Vaca Muerta and Energy Summit Overview

Sponsorships Opportunities and International Delegates Tickets

See Mission full agenda in the specific brochure




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